Simplify Procurement Processes with 


Launch better calls for tenders and increase the number of bidders 

Launching public calls for tenders is Overwhelming

If you don't have the relevant information.

  • We know how difficult it is to define clear and specific requirements in order to attract suitable bids.
  • Do you experience difficulties to check the bidders' eligibility and the relationship between them?
  • You don't know how are distributed the missing registration numbers geographically and by CPV?
  • We understand how frustrating it can be when you have a wow response rate to your calls for tenders.

And that leads to a lack of competition, bids that do not meet your needs and possible allegations or conflicts of interest. 

We don’t want that for you. 

TED Data offers the most advanced tendering analytic platform to help you with the public procurement process.

We make public procurement easy.


Efficient Resource Allocation

TED-DATA enables public authorities to allocate resources more efficiently by analyzing past procurement patterns, leading to cost savings and improved budget management.

Evidence-Based Decision

With access to historical data and insights, public authorities can base their decisions on evidence, minimizing risks and ensuring more effective policy implementation.

Heightened Competition

TED-DATA fosters increased competition among bidders, resulting in improved quality of services and products, as well as favorable pricing for public contracts.

Strategic Supplier Relationships

By identifying long-term trends and patterns, public authorities can establish strategic supplier relationships, fostering collaboration and innovation within procurement.

Simplified Reporting and Compliance

The platform offers tools to generate comprehensive reports and ensure compliance with regulations, streamlining reporting processes and reducing administrative burdens.

Reimagine Procurement Excellence – Embrace TED-DATA Today!


Get Free Access

Create a free version account and explore the relevant data.


Discover Relevant Information

Dive deep into the Tenders Electronic Daily data.


Procurements Made Simple 

Launch better public procurement processes.

Do you have any questions?

Schedule A Call

  • Talk about the problems you’re experiencing with the public tendering process.
  • Strategize how to overcome them using TED Data.
  • Tell you about our pricing.
  • Answer any other questions you have!